事实上,能把行为招聘法用得像谷歌这样程度的公司不多,很多时候是条件不允许,于是“实际行为”往往会变成了“行为描述”,面试者通过“刁钻”的问题来判断应聘者的能力,下面是几个典型的行为面试问题:(为什么要用英文?Think Again)
Q1. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Q2. Describe one of the most challenging projects you have participated in the past years?
Q3. Tell me about a situation that irritated you.
Q4. Tell me about something you failed to accomplish in your last position.
Q5. Who is the toughest person you found it difficult to work with? And how did you handle this situation?
Q6. What are the major personality differences between you and your last boss?
不要忘记,“找工作”的主语是“我”。招聘者面试您的同时,您也在“招聘”工作。找一份不符合自身能力的工作,就如找一个性格不合的对象(请看这篇“如何用心理学找对象”),那份滋味受过的人才会知道。 |